Apocalypto is far overrated and I'm not even interested enough to sit through the entire fucking thing and it's in blue-ray. It's fine since I'm mixing and editing the last three chapters in my "Neon Bible" series which I've turned into an entire movie much like that guy and the 'trapped in the closet' movies which I think I could have made myself creating my own music but maybe that'll be the next time. Although I'll probably do one with Mark's music and I really should finish his book but I haven't. I thought for a period of time about parents and realized I raised myself and will be placing this in the next novel I'm writing which I'm in the middle of anyways and it works half-reality and half-sci-fi fun tale. They take place in Manhattan now although I'll be helping tim with a series of fairfield books since I'm entirely done with that series. Although, I will still probably make these Fairfield movies and whatever the fuck if for anything so Tim can get on top and be on a town hero and then rule the world with good people intentions. I'm not really a good person deep down inside but I suppose I get other people to where they should be so that if such a God exists he leaves me alone in the world to continue what it is I really give a fuck about.
I'd really like to just make music videos for the rest of my life instead of movies but I'll make movies anyhow and probably end up like the many directors who did that except ironically I WANT to do music videos instead of movies. It's an interesting situation but I need to make money to live comfortably and then I can run around deciding such things. One would hope that four years of S.V.A. would bring such things possible but I'm going to apply to N.Y.U. for the M.F.A. and possible M.B.A. combination anyhow. Um. That's all for now.


Forecastmazy said…
It appears Kade sent himself to the sith universe had to place Nyu tisch church of silver tiles in Tastey moursels: weird beings speak through him.and he married littleanna.9

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