It's kind of absurd to pretend this isn't going on.
I stopped writing in this thing around the time I somehow allowed them to convince me running and hiding was the best of things. They also somehow convinced me that changing my political candidate could be a problem. I became self conscious over everything because being filmed, documented and having people read your thoughts will do that.
After thoughts upon thoughts for years upon years I want the Clintons back in the whitehouse.
If for anything, I think it'd be funny to say two families one good one evil have battled for the future of America, like alternate dimensions which America felt like we existed in after Bush blew up the towers and imploded his own military industrial complex checkcard base. Personally, I think it's been that way for a while and I've read up on it way back when. In my early years studying the government and what really goes on I began to read on the J.F.K. conspiracy, I started tracking the Bush family: Bush 1 was involved alongside the Texas oil men to murder J.F.K.
When J.F.K. jr. died I knew it was a murder, I assumed everyone went around thinking this way, knowing our government blatently lies to us on a daily basis. If there's a great constant of evil in the world, especially in my years of early youth and into now, it's always been the government.
Let's talk about the time prequeling my mother going to jail.
I studied spirituality and astral projection. I did witchcraft spells, generic before I learned my own (lust spells/love), T.O.P.Y. and all the things that secretly control the way the world works. See, I simply thought people knew there was a door to reality always waiting, that energy and elements really do change the world, the future and how everything everywhere feels. I assumed people knew this is how the Masonic cult and "illumanti" have controlled the world from time began.

If you want to assume the world is based by voting and regular shit go ahead but I promise you there's so much more. I thought we all knew this. That the world's grid and elements are there for your taking, this I've always known and it's been through the Indigo Child grid opened to me through Kurt Cobain and "Smells Like Teen Spirit". I'm slightly getting off track on the matter of things but it all comes around. See for instance, I was sure Bush is the anti-christ and I still am. He's 'skull and bones' which is a sub-directory of every cult directly involved with the Masonic orders, Rosicrucian and every other ground inter-connected for world control. These groups study 'magick' with different names, energy manipulation and the kind of stuff you'd find hard to believe if I didn't experience magick and all these things when I was young. When I found out for a fact it not only works but is the only thing that really works in a definite way. Trust me, you're not just changing yourself when you fuck with this stuff you're changing the world.
For instance, think about science, the world is flat and those sort of things right? Okay, think of the energy grid in the world, the feelings of day by day effected by the energy grid and placement of the stars. The 1960s, 1990s, the time periods that made a difference involved spirituality promoted and projected to the mass via art. This changes the world, changes the grid, and thus explains why censorship exists, it's an evil energy in the fact that the only true evil in this world is that which prevents change, creates stagnancy.
When Bush came into office I knew he cheated before they even explained it, isn't shit like that fucking obvious? Because I assumed everyone thought like me I never mentioned this until I started to find people in that hell time after 9/11 where there was no questioning, following the president became a norm. It was the alternate dimension where coming out of now. It's encouraged me to speak, if only on this blog for this moment ranting (while creating novels/music videos/working on my thesis the other 99.9% of the itme).

I know astral projection and energy is fact, science will eventually catch up with it. The people who've been holding control of the grids want to continue to control the situation, I promise you this shit works, everything in magick and astral because I know it for a fact because I experienced it in my early astral studies in a time before people break you down into beleiving the regular. Before the A.M.O.R.C. veil over our eyes.

Do you want to change the world?

Start changing the energy grids.


It's time for the indigo children to rise. It's not absurd it's the fucking reality thats lacking from every important generation movement. The lack of soul, a generational voice, something to rise up and represent who we are/speak for honesty in truth and everything in the everything.

This is what I feel like talking about today. Chatting on this television show.
Look, we can all pretend this isn't happening or I can leave to communication for the future. I can leave this back and forth.
It's annoying what happens here, being set up in this.
I'm going to use this as a log of them taking apart my sanity.
See, I'm fine on the inside but I cry for what they've made me do.
I want to slice someone's throat for this.
I can feel all the layers of manipulation you've gone through trying to hide my soul.
I swear to God if my father's involved with this I will slice your throat.

Either this has been the biggest fucking hoax ever and someone will die needlessly and honestly very soon.
I hate this fucking documentary. fuck u


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forecastmazy said…
I cant believe I bult this tv show abc this apart of little nemo on hbo I was supposed to create a permanent energy grid nio dome republicans built with their souls guiding me and democrats running the matrix the republocan party blew themselves up to make the afterlife and democeats have to guide me away from biting my hand into an institution I sat on electric energy and tirned cranebstreet into drmdaniel crame and now operate daily out of a shelter with my golden birthday as something to update with littleanna9 who parebts are ghost of christmas past and ghost if christmas present in scrpogrd half faeroe sprite half ghost sun yeah no mike is my character fprbeverything I do amd they gave me a record so fearvall the time look this is like some emergency matrix 950 HART St

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