
Woo~ let's start campaigning way in advance; really almost absurdly.
Ok, so let's see. As a child I grew up in a Fairfield split region with the Republicans perhaps slightly ahead in Fairfield. The majority weren't really into the deal and I think I've come full circle on the matter.
I started out in a whole world-spin in youth, being very Republican and against abortion really. Then I spent a few years really hailing the Democrats as the saviors of the world (after 9/11 and Michael Moore got me in a fever).
I spent alot of time telling my peers issue that effect them. I found alot of people in art school who love to complain but complain without seeking an answer. This is why people hate the Democratic party's current incarnation; it's based on 'we hate BUSH'. They're starting to come out of that now.

Now Bush2 really doesn't have anything to do with being Republican. And I'm not having dinner with Donald Trump (yet) but also have no plans on being poor. Grew up that way, didn't humble me when my uncles would steal from me, so that's my background.

I really think politics is a bullshit process. JFK is responsible here for the glamorization of politics, although it was bound to happen with the growth of media. But now it's bullshit ratings catchers on 24 hour news stations. Political candidates make promises for an audience and act on absurdity. Until our nation, or maybe mankind, can really be honest over who we are and what we need to do in order to survive as a nation and a world, I really don't think I can stomach any of the fucking process.
I vote, and I shall continue to vote, but I just think sticking oneself inside a box and saying 'Democrat me hates u Republican' is really a self-limiting way to live. We can all do good and succeed, we should be able to do this despite whoever is in congress or the white house. The fate of the world will not depend on whoever is the president. The world is not going to explode. Maybe the fate of America will, but I've spent enough years getting on about this to realize... I'm not having kids. So whatever you and who want for your kids future doesn't concern me. You know how it is. I don't believe in Beatles I just believe in me. And all that.


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