ArcadeFire lyrics

This is like a thought I'd normally have and it'd just evaporate. Or I'd write it on a notebook. Powerbook. Works.
So reading through The Arcade Fire's lyrics I remember how many layers music is, which I think this is a point I'm hitting on that I've personally missed in my life for a period of time (and I think many people may feel the same).
The music is incredibly complex, intense, and the lyrics add an entirely new layer. Unlike the vast majority of window brand bands that you shove in the closet next winter really wishing you'd pissed your money away on a bowl or something, this is music you really have to earn inside yourself. It's like the way MellonCollie digs deep into you, carving you as you carve it. Even the lyrics to MellonCollie I don't totally know (not every word, maybe I did, swisscheese blame THC or blame myself). You read it as poetry, then you read it to the beat, then you read it realizing you have little to no musical ability in the singing aspect and in general. You appreciate it throughout the years the way ZoSo still adds new elements to my life while bringing me back to the same living room I heard it in for the first time and the conversations I had with people over this. Then there's Matrix layers within it that I see like connected marks on one of those old grids they'd use in an 80s movie looking for submarines. Then afterwards I have to rest until I'm used to it again, because music like this is like magick and is rare for each age.
It's different in every band I suppose and every legend. Nirvana lyrics were moreso metaphors or whatnot for Kurt to hit points in his emotional chords to push out the right element to paint a picture, emotion, whathaveyou. You can feel this and you can see him point this process out in his journals. The lyrics didn't mean very much to Kurt. However the lyrics to Win seem to have meaning upon meaning, some of which I'm not even sure if he knows he's doing. Some of this probably sounds crazy if you're not inclined to spend your free time reading esoteric works. I assure you though, it's fully rewarding.
I told a man inside a mental clinic (oh, long story; short on the crazy warde is we need to fix it up because it's helping nobody anywhere and killing souls on a daily), told the guy to listen to Arcade Fire (he was suicidal). But I'm serious about this. Sounds like something I usually apologize for saying afterwards because of the faces and expressions I cause. I don't apologize.

Last year round this time when it got to 115-130 in Union Square, Japanese news broadcasters had a big clock and made some very funny news. I'm looking forward to the little trinket moments as that which makes Manhattan the greatest place amongst the timeless awesome. Just a thought. Or eight.


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