The End of Fairfield Dreams

I've finally finished this 4th/5th Fairfield novel. Finishing up my series of The Arcade Fire music videos, many of which were filmed within Fairfield, Connecticut; I am happy to report that my Fairfield series is finally at an end.
It took a damned 7 years to fully and psychologically be out of Fairfield, Connecticut.
Now that I'm out of there I really can't imagine going back. Really, in general, to making any more art about the state at all.

It's time to fully begin what will likely be the rest of my life's artwork based around Manhattan and the area of New York City.

Perhaps one day when I'm a more fully experienced director I'll deal with creating Fairfield, Connecticut into a script. And by saying this I mean by years and years into the future.
I can't imagine possibly doing any more artwork on the suburbs.
The entire fact that I spent so much time in the suburbs this summer honestly makes me sick.
Even though summer is the season that I hate the most, I would rather spend it in the place I love the most in the world; Manhattan. Even when I'm walking through the street appearing bitter, I'm absolutely loving Manhattan on the inside.
This is something that I can do frequently on hot days or in bitter moods. It's sort of my persona and the way to be. I'm not a happy shinny kid, man, or in general artist. It's just whats up.
I don't understand my 8th grade health teacher. She always did that smile thing. She hated me because I always interrupted her shit. She also made us watch the old school Degrassi Junior High except I think they were in high school and they made it like drinking or smoking pot was the fucking devil.
I took off my "The End of Fairfield Dreams" documentary from my website, because I'm not that kid anymore.
I don't do this 'civic leader' thing. This 'we hate the generation we're apart of and want to make shitty stories and movies for the Catholic station and the shitty 'this is your brain on drugs' people'.
My book gets into this. Eventually, and I'm partially ruining part of it from you, but from going full circle, the end result is my final conclusion: drugs aren't bad, stupid laws that fuck over people to make lawyers rich is bad.
And it's not just the lawyers, it's the whole fucking system that benefits from this "war on drugs" thing.
Because I'm sure it's the worst thing ever to smoke a bong and really worth punishing people in such a huge way that it's "illegal". But drinking is cool and legal. Despite that causing people to react more realistically and actually as seen in reaction to Marijuana in the 1920s government propaganda film "Reefer Madness".

I don't want to be apart of government propaganda I don't believe in.
Fuck it legalize it. Legalize it all. It's absurd. People are suffering because you (the government) doesn't do it in an organized way and decide instead to make the money off of turning them into real criminals in Oz instead of making money off the narcotic they're going to find no matter what. If you gave them legal means you'd have them on a drug of choice. Instead, you have people bouncing around and de-humanized as criminals. Just like much of my Puerto Rican family was throughout their life, which I saw as a child but now understand what happened to them. I understand it on both sides of the scale really. But I'm pretty sure if my uncle was able to purchase his narcotic in a government clinic through regulated means that went into the U.S. economy he wouldn't have shown up at Crane Street one cracky day looking through plastic jewelry for gems. Ain't his fault. Because he didn't make the system that told him to stay down and feel bad.
But I have all sorts of conclusions on this. Like the lower classes need more stepping stones to get up the financial ladder, that it'd be best to have art and music in all the schools and hire government union workers to clean up the towns which would psychologically improve the overall of the area.
This can be done by the Republican, the Democratic, the whoever party. The point is it needs to be done.
Prohibition didn't work, and mind you this was done by an overly religious law-maker way back when. Because drinking and getting all wasted and loose was seen as anti-patriotic which in the mind of crazies also equals anti-christ. Neither one of these are true or even make sense but neither did ill-legalizing the drugs or alcohol. But the alcohol kept going and so did the underground industry until it went through the mob and eventually the supposed terrorists.
Who the fuck knows who controls the Mr.Big-Scarface of today; but he's out there, and they'll always be out there. It's just the way it is. We can keep dehumanizing the problem and continue to scold cigarette smokers as dehumanized beasts as well standing out in the cold or we can accept the fact that the little kid swirling in a circle outside the suburban lawn until he falls down shows something about human nature the 'wholesome' people just don't wanna face.
To each his own but stop sending people to jail and bringing them back crazy and crazier. Because that's what I've seen happen. And it's not like they come out traumatized so they stay off it. It's not like meth-heads may not end up back on heroin, but atleast there's clinics for that.
Nobody fixes these situations.
And this is what I've learned from my 7 years playing "21 Jump Street" to Fairfield. At times pretending that I didn't enjoy it or not admitting that I enjoyed getting wasted and wanted to fuck more woman than I did; because I used to be a recovering Roman Catholic. Got over it. Accepted shit as it is. Stopped lashing out at the people I love and the very coke girls I wanna fuck. That's the way it is. Never was big on that powder but I love those coke girls to death. Especially rich hot aristocratic Paris Hilton types.
Anyhow, that's my story for today.

It was a long and long drive to this conclusion. I still have to publish this book which I may do tomorrow.
I can't really go back to that period of time anymore. It's all done, burned and over-played like the same shit you just keep saying and saying and saying. In the end, you've used up the whole thing (which was the goal because there was alot there and it's the past. I don't wanna go back to the past. I don't wanna go back to living in Fairfield, Connecticut. I'm a city person. I don't even really celebrate Christmas. I mean, I don't. But I'll take presents for that, the haunnauachk (whatever) and festivas). Anytime you wanna give me free shit in general, presents, money, whatever. Feel free dude. If it's fucking armistas day (if thats a real day) buy me a gun rack upon which I do not own a gun to place on a gun rack.
Whatever. If you don't get the reference we're probably not friends anyways.



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