Party Affiliation

This summer I recently made a mistake.
I joined "The Young Republicans".
I thought I was going on to become rich simply by making this situation a reality.
This was a mistake.

I don't particularly want to be representing either party.
It was a mistake to ever leave my actual voting affiliation which is "Independent".
I guess joining a club doesn't actually make me a Republican.
I'm not even registered as a Republican so I couldn't even vote in their primaries for Guliani even if I wanted to.
It was a cute idea I ran with for a while but I didn't even live here while he was mayor and as far as I understand Bloomberg is making it harder for students and filmmakers in general to film in the city with some sort of law that is going to make you need a permit after $10.
I've meant to go and look this up since enough people have told me about this. I have not though.
However, I must say that this is the very thing that makes New York City great for filmmaking.
If we're not able to film with the "no-tripod" law (which I think is absurd in itself) then it's all going backwards.
We should be able to paint, film and photograph on the public street at anytime we wish with or without tripod. This is what public property is for and this what the beauty of the city is for.
To steal this away from people just so somebody in a very expensive suit can walk down the street without bumping into an artist trying to paint or film is absolutely absurd and destroys the very beauty and conception of New York City.
Central Park was built for supposed meditational and transcending shit. I'm over that period of time in my life doing the overly spiritual thing, it was a new age phase which strangely went along with being Republican.
Neither of them made very much sense considering how I'm a poor film student who isn't against any form of drugs and thinks the war on drugs is absolutely absurd.
How many people become rich from the war on drugs? People should have self-responsibility or that's that.
You can't make suicide illegal or demand Teri Shiavo stays alive. If these people can't handle themselves then that's really that. Throwing them into an institution and then charging them money for it only proves the system is set up to make people who already on top stay on top. It's alot of fucking bullshit honestly.
Do you know how quickly our economy would be fixed if we just legalized Marijuana?
I was once told that Marlboro had a Marijuana set logo and box for the event that Bill Clinton legalized it. He didn't And that's absurd.
We're in a deficit and we're still trying to send kids away for getting stoned?
Look, this is all really absurd. It's like prohibition and the more you tell somebody they can't have something because it's evil and bad the more they're going to obsess over the situation just because you're telling them it's evil and bad. If you allow them to simply go about their life they're not going to become overly addicted or if they do it's all willing. Like cigarettes.
You're going to tell me these "the truth" commercials did anything for me as a smoker than make me smoke more cigarettes? And want to blow smoke in the face of the people who looked at me like I was the devil? Fuck that ridiculous shit.
Just legalize it. Pretty much with the exception of heroin but figure out a way to work everything in. If people want to sit around and be locked inside a heroin spree like Burroughs then they're going to.
Everybody knows the way it is.
I went through creating this documentary and this whole civic leader phase but the whole thing is that you tell somebody they can't have it and they're going to do it and hide it and create this whole thing. Your secret is only as powerful as you feel it's a secret. It puts some psychological weight onto it. Like hiding smoking from your parents when you're a kid, it only makes you spend more time hiding the fact that you're a smoker.
This whole forcing health consciousness on people is only making people more unhealthy.
You're going to condescend people and make these absurd commercials I've watched when I was stoned and back when I was a big stoner and you're going to tell me seeing this shit like kids in a car and they get high and then they hit a little black girl on a bike means I'm not going to smoke on a burn run? Hmm. I went through this anti drug phase dude. In the end it's just the damn truth of the matter; people are outside the reality of the situation. Mostly starting with the 1980s and I blame Reagan's war on drugs for this.
I mean ok, he forced an entire nation and world of people into being villains and ruined the lives of Russia so we can continue on our way of life as God fearing whatever. That's cute. Because I'm sure the soviets were waiting to jump over like spy vs. spy and take us down. Really. Like Osama Bin Laden is still hiding under my bed.
Code red. code blue. Code K-Mart conspiracy.

I've had an entire summer to think this thing through. It's all ridiculous and absurd.
Why is Viagra hidden from us? Why make anything really absurd? Why not just have an open situation with medication and pot and the whole situation of it? Why create such harsh laws to keep Americans safe, it really goes to show you how deeply the governments of both sides have condescended the American public to basically say 'you're stupid and we're going to keep you in a safe and special place. Special people for special laws. God Bless us everyone'.

This is absurd. And Clinton didn't do shit to fix it. I doubt Bush has done much more than make the situation worse.
When I was a child growing up with my mother I didn't feel compelled to overdose into drugs because my mother allowed me to live liberally. She had faith in me so I didn't turn to hardcore drugs because it was pretty much up to me to provide my future. That's really just the way it was.

I wrote this whole book and went through this whole thing. In the end, people do drugs and they don't magically change into an evil person. I used to believe people were evil when they smoked cigarettes. Now I just know better. It's called a nicotine fit and it's their personal opinion.

If our country spent the money we spend fucking attacking "drug users" (those evil baddies whateverthefuck) and put it in education; we'd likely half a 1/4th of the drug problem in the country. Just legalize the shit. All of it.

This idea of making everything hidden from everyone and these false family values, just really pushing and enforcing them is only making the situation worse. Nobody says what they want to say and people just demonize other people.

It's for the very fact of what Ronnie did to both the "war on drugs", the fact that he cheated the election against Carter by keeping the Iran hostage situation going and the fact of how he cut and diced student aid that I really don't think I can be Republican. That and the very fact that I'm poor has alot to do with it. But the others are based on the fact that I'd rather speak how I believe and openly live without melding myself into something I've never been or ever will be.
I'll never be a Republican. I think it's just the logic of the situation. i didn't fucking actually join the party, I joined a club.
I could just as easily join the Young Democrats and still be registered as an Independent.
The neo-cons could have just as easily taken over the Democrats which I'm pretty sure they almost did but decided to go with Reagan instead. Which is really where the trouble starts. The Moral Majority, the neo-cons and the current situation our country finds itself in. Forced morality getting to the point of some all out war in this country between those who have free will to continue the future in their eyes and people trying to keep shit the same just to keep shit the same.
The only true evil in this world is the thing that stops free will and progression.
That is true evil.
This shit about putting an upside down cross and not loving Jesus enough is fucking bullshit.
That's evil? And Jesus lovers are good because they're being fooled into supporting a war to take down a dictator who we put in power and always meant to take out and now took out because suddenly we were against him and don't know what to do with the situation?
Aw. Remember when the neo-cons thought this shit would go so easy? Ever watch Charlie Rose? I did. I saw this crazy women who listed off a series of countries we were going to invade. Syria, Iran, a whole bunch others.
Remember when Dick Cheney said that using Nuclear weapons underground wasn't off the table on the 'war against Iran'?
Even though Iran was a decade away from developing a single nuclear warhead?

Honestly, this sounds to me like a connect the oil countries and neo-con it up. Fa-la-la-la-la.
Absurd. Seriously.

In this supposed war of right and left in the two Americas, you can guess which one I'd live in. And which side I'm on.

I'm so far from "the right" or the red really, atleast this far red madness but in truth; it's pretty absurd to call myself Republican.
So I'm obviously not.

This is the reason people push for a 3rd party. We need one fucking badly. And I can see now why it would be genius to just take all this effort and push in a 3rd party. Here's the only way you're going to get a 3rd party: Get Obamma or Clinton in there, really fuck up this bullshit back and forth. While the countries so amazed at Camelot reborn, you'll get a 3rd party option because people won't really know what to do. It's a theory anyhow, but if a blackman and a woman, one, either or both can be in the white house, you're going to get the other 50% of America who doesn't vote interested.
i'm not saying they're going to become c-span junkies.
i'm saying they're going to start listening. And when they start listening they're going to start listening to whoever is willing to speak because they're the ones who never had this party loyalty.
Each year, you've got the same base and that's the way it's been. There's a small percentage that goes back and forth and that's pretty much what the politicians fight for.

Thank God Obamma is in the race. It would be the stupidest move ever of the Democrats to NOT place Obamma in the running. Or Clinton. My way is to throw them both in there.
This is the most genius situation ever and we've been pushed so far into the right that the country is almost going nuts with the left. We're not censoring Imus? I don't agree with that. But it's a good sign. Considering how a few years ago we were so far to the right that we were flipping shit if anyone spoke ill of the president. Now the president has reached a level Nixon doubted possible. Yeah, it sounds about time to flip this coin. When else are we going to get another chance to throw in the cards, when else is the country going to have itself so fucked up the ass that it's ability of free speech and civil rights is downed enough for people to look up and say "what the fuck" who normally don't look up at all.

No no. It's about time to start this game. This fun-fun season that I'm starting to get excited for the way I used to get excited for the debates against Cheney and Bush and gather up a group of friends, begging them with any means I could so people would get revved up and use their 18 year old fresh vote to try and save the future.
We didn't officially win with Kerry but as far as I understand we really did.
I mean, can you even believe the election results? I don't believe shit for these results since 2000.
Honestly, what we really should be focusing on now is what C.N.N. and Fox News and all the major news stations aren't allowed to focus themselves on and get mandates not to speak about: ELECTION FRAUD and the ELECTION MACHINES.

The Republicans are ruthless. Do you think you're ever going to get another chance to push the world forward? This is where we've gotten ourselves after years. We had to get Karl Rove on the defensive for a minute, but look at that, now the truth has come out.
i've always hoped to be like, a Karl Rove for the left, because this country can't take anymore bullshit without killing it's very soul.
What the fuck did freedom and death happen for if we're just going to invade other countries to promote death over freedom?

Enough is fucking enough. dude.


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